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广州锦顺条码科技有限公司是专业从事不干胶生产、条形码色带分切的综合性生产厂家,励志服务于华南、华中、华东地区的各条码用户。工厂生产之产品有: BTF 标签, BTF 色带;在生产条码耗材的同时,凭借公司雄厚的资金实力及诚信的合作理念与国际国内条码界驰名品牌厂商合作,专业代理各类条码设备,如条码打印机,条码扫描器,数据采集器,条码检测仪等;与此同时,公司总部于2006年投资成立系统集成分部(G.T.)和机电事业分部(L.F.),为各新老客户提供更方便,更准确的产品与服务。

Guangzhou Kimsoon Bar Code Technology Co., Ltd. is the comprehensive factory that specially produce the Labels and Ribbons for Barcode Application. We sincerely service for the Barcode Users in South China, Center China and North China. We owned ourselves brand called BTF, the registered brand in China. She is the Name for Labels and Ribbons which we produced. Otherwise, we cooperated with the Nobel Company and deal with their product , for example: Zebra, SATO, Intermec, Symbol, HHP, TEC etc.Meanwhile,the general headquarters founded the mechanical-electrical branch and system integration branch, so that we can offer the better products and service for both old and new customers.

于 2006 年正式将广州办事处设立为分公司,即:广州锦顺条码科技有限公司,专门从事 BTF 产品华南华东区的销售与服务,公司全资之标签分切厂设于广州市天河区;色带分切厂设于潮州地区。工厂全面负责公司所有 BTF 产品的生产、包装、加工等。
The founded the Guangzhou Branch, which is Guangzhou Kimsoon Barcode Technology Co., Ltd. The factory for Labels is in Guangzhou and the one for Ribbons is in Chaozhou in China, they only produced the products and the Guangzhou Business Center is in charge of all the sales.

锦顺公司拥有一流的销售人员和技术人员,本着 " 诚信为本,客户为先 " 的原则和心态,运用最先进的经营理念和条码技术,全方位地为您量身打造最合适的条码解决方案,精心、用心地提供各项产品的售前、售中、售后的服务,以最好的品质和最优的方案打造贵方最高的效率!
Kimsoon owed a first- class salesmen and technicians, we are waiting for your kind inquiry any time. "Sincere basic , Customer first"We shall try our best to make the best product and the best service for you, our dear God! Trust us!



Guangzhou Kimsoon Barcode Technology Co., Ltd.


电话:020-8256 7830  

传真:020-8256 7151

手机:136 3233 9395    135 0303 3837


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